My Trek 708-N1 On Top Of Tooth Of Time-Philmont 2009 “A week of camp life is worth six months of theoretical teaching in the meeting room.” Sir Robert Baden Powell

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Oh Yeah!! A pretty good day

I rode yesterday but I didn't enter the post because I was just too lazy.  Sorry but I was just tired and lazy.  I went out for a quick 22 miles yesterday and then went to buy a chain for he new bike.  The weather forecast was for nice weather today so I wanted to ride the new bike.  When I got up this morning, it was really anything BUT warm.  I checked the weather at 7:45 and it was 27.  I was on the bike about 8:10 and started off towards the Point to ride with the group.  I turned down into the Harbour and only saw 2 riders.  I hooked up with Don and Dave and off we went.  It actually has been quite a while since I put in a real hard effort.  But with 3 guys I thought I would take a couple long pulls.  I have the legs for long slow rides but the short hard bursts aren't there right now.  After we finished the 25, we went back to the Clubhouse to see if anyone was out on the 10 AM ride.  Only 2 people showed up and we lost Dave.  So the 4 of us went North and rode the Isle of Pines and Stutts loop.  I ended up with 42 miles which gives me over 500 for the month.  2 more days left and I may end up with over 600 easily.  Anyhow, it was a fund day and when I got back to the house, it was already 52 degrees.....

Total Road Cycling Miles For 2011-549 Miles
Total Running Miles for 2011-34 miles and holding

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