OK. So Scott decided to have a little mini-triathlon at his house in the Harbor on July 3rd. These guys do tri's all of the time so its a no brainer for them and easy. I, on the other hand, cannot and DO NOT SWIM. Period. I try. I fail. I wish it was different but its not. BUT, sitting around Milf's one night, under the influence of a good Thursday night ride and maybe a Bud Light or 2, I was talked into doing it. "You can just go out there and do the breast stroke Scruggs" was the voices I heard. "Its not far at all, only 1/2 mile. Come practice with us Monday morning". Now bear in mind this was 2 weeks before the actual date AND I had no time to really even get used to the water. I did hear in the conversations that if you were too scared or unable to swim or run, you could form a team. NOW that sounds like a plan....No I think I will do the entire thing. Next week I tried to swim from my dock to my neighbors dock (not even 1/32 of a mile) and I gave completely out. SO, I call on one of my Scouts (Josh) who is a beast at almost all sports. I asked him if he was interested in swimming for me and I would do the bike and run. He didn't hesitate and said "Sure Mr. Scruggs, I will even run for you too". No you just swim as I think I may do a duathlon later this summer and I need to practice transitions. So we all meet at Scott's house on July 3rd. Scott really put a lot of work into this tri. He mapped out courses, had plenty of water and aid stations, had drinks and really made it look professional. All the swimmers went out at 8AM on the dot.
We all watched as Rob took off like Michael Phelps and dusted everyone. Josh hung in there really well and was only a few minutes back on the first lap. He even seemed to gain some on the second lap which was good as I knew I needed to have a little edge so my slow bike and run wouldn't bring us down. Josh came out of the water about 1/2 way down the pack which was great for someone that doesn't do much open water swimming. Now for fat Daddy on the bike. The course was almost too flat for me. I really excel on hilly courses and flats really don't help me much. But I seemed to get going fairly fast and got into a semi rhythm after a few miles. I made the turn onto Chuckwood and unraveled. A Couple guys caught me and we rode in kind of racing each other the last couple miles. It helped to have someone push me. Josh had decided to run with me the 3.1 miles to help motivate me and push me. I probably should have let him do the run cause I held him up a good bit as I was getting my heart rate back down to a manageable level.
After we made the turn back on Harbor Cove, I actually started to feel pretty good and even picked up the pace.....for about 10 feet. Josh pushed me hard on a couple hills which I was glad he did. He is a good runner and needs to learn how to do these on his own. He could probably finish in the top 10 for all males with his swim and run. We can teach him to bike....I see an Ironman in the future. Our total time was about 1:20. My total time for the bike/run was around 1 hour flat so I know Josh had a good swim since our transitions were in there as well. I was pretty satisfied with it. I hope I didn't let Josh down too much with my slow bike and run. But it was fun nevertheless. I might even do it again....
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