Its been 2 days since the election of 2012. Barack Obama (CNN continues to say his name as one barackobama) almost like its one long name. I have many friends who have asked me where I stand. I suppose from some points I may be a little tough to read. I dont talk politics with many people because my Dad told me many years ago that you cannot win. I think my dad was right. There is no way to win in politics because we are all different. So I thought I would note what I am here. So, here goes pretty much nothing. At least you will know how confused I really am.
I am a white conservative male who believes:
Everyone should work for what they are given. No free rides for anyone. We can all be productive members of society unless we are in a coma.
All men are created equal. A man should not be judged by the color of his skin but by his actions. No one man is greater than the whole.
People who are down on their luck should be able to get help.....But that help should be limited. Its not something you should depend on forever. Think of it as a short term rental and not a permanent home....
I am a happily married man of 27 years. I fully believe in the sanctity and Biblical Definition of marriage between a man and a woman....However, I am also not dumb enough to believe that there are people in this world that have different feelings and are made differently than I am. So if 2 men or 2 women decide that they are meant for each other, then by all means we should allow that. However, do me a favor and call it something other than marriage. Call it a union, a joining, a partnership or a joyful occasion. Don't call it marriage. That word already has a definition.
For those of you who think God looks down on people who aren't like you and I...I love God and the God I know loved ALL men. He also said all men are forgiven. So stop reading YOUR interpretation of the Bible into politics. If you dont know who God is, then I am sure he will take some time out when you get to the gates of heaven to introduce himself to you.
I believe that we have raped and destroyed this earth for too long and that the earth is trying to tell us to stop. The weather is way different than it was when I was young. The Super storms, hurricanes, Tornadoes hail, wind, drought, floods etc. are signs we better start to fix this planet. It may be too late to stop what has happened, but we can try to salvage what is left and maybe start to reverse. I fully believe that if we do not, our grandkids will be living most days indoors. If you don't believe the climate is changing, then you are either not paying attention or you are too stubborn to look.....
I believe that we have run up our national debt for the same reason we have run up our personal debt. WE want everything NOW and have no patience to wait on it. When I was young, my parents only bought 2 things on credit. A car and a house. Now almost everything is put on a credit card. We have done the same thing with our countries finances. We have ran up a silly amount of debt because we could not wait for things We let the Government buy them for us on credit. Some day soon, the debt will come due. And we will be standing with our hands in our pockets wondering how we got in so far over our heads.
I think we need to be somewhat tolerant of other countries. BUT BEAR IN MIND, most countries are not tolerant of us. They hate us and all we stand for. Therefore, I think we need to maintain our military to the standards we always have. I hear folks say all the time that the cold war is over....Well the countries who hate us now are a lot scarier than the old Soviet Union. At least they had some fear of us.
I voted for Mitt Romney on Tuesday. I didnt like all he said nor did I think he was the best candidate out of the Republican side. However, the economy and the debt were the things that scared me the most. I felt that Romney had a better idea of how to start eliminating some of that debt. I also think he is a good man and a God Fearing man. I do not think Barack Obama is a good man and I dont think anyone knows his core values. I am not depressed or ready to jump off a building because my candidate did not win. But I do think the country will get much worse before it gets better. I just hope by the time my kids are my age, its back to being the country that was built on the values of our forefathers.....Sadly, I am not sure that can ever be.....