My Trek 708-N1 On Top Of Tooth Of Time-Philmont 2009 “A week of camp life is worth six months of theoretical teaching in the meeting room.” Sir Robert Baden Powell

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Almost November...Finally Cool

So:  What have I been doing the last few months?  Well, I took a job at REI part time in September.  Its only 1 night per week if I am home plus weekends.  I usually have one weekend day off but during the sale the last 2 weeks, I have been working all they need me.  I work in the paddling/cycling area OR as they call it "ACTION SPORTS".  What a great company and what cool people.  I have enjoyed every minute there.  The training is very thorough and sometimes it gets intense.  But overall they do a great job presenting the company to you.  Yeah it cuts into my free time but it also is helping to pay down some debt.  Which at this point is well needed. I am still riding about 150 miles per week on weeks I am home from traveling and on weekdays I can ride.  So its still cycling season in my book.  Today is low 40's this morning.  Probably has hit 50 or more as I write this at noon.  Tuesday, my oldest son Kyle hit 18 years old.  A big milestone in any mans life.  He and I and one of his friends who also just turned 18 a few weeks back had a cigar on the porch in celebration of this achievement.  I hate cigars and I hate smoke but it was a once every so often thing I felt like I had to do.  He got an I-Phone 4S yesterday.  Its a great invention but almost too involved.  It scares me sometimes to see what they keep coming up with.  I never thought I would be so "Connected" to everything and everyone.  Things that are coming up for me include a backpack trip with the Venture Crew in mid November to Grayson Highlands.  We did this last year and it was a lot of fun.  They are not into hiking miles and miles but they are a fun group.  Hopefully we can see ponies and it wont be freezing cold all weekend.  Other than that, no real plans as I know my other job will keep me busy most weekends through Christmas.  I need to update this blog more but time is limited.  I should try to make at least one entry per week.  I need to have a record of some things I do.  Adios

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Grayson Highlands with Scout Troop

This past weekend, the Scout Troop did a 3 day backpack trip to Mt. Rogers/Grayson Highlands.  Its an annual event that usually sees us picking and eating so many blueberries that we all get sick.  This year, the blueberries were less than plentiful.  In fact, they were basically non-existent.  I lead the longer trek in from Elk Garden which is west of the state park and we had another long trek that came in from the Backpackers lot along with 2 short treks.  We arrived at Elk Garden on Friday night about 7:30PM.  When we left Mooresville, the weather was warm and clear.  But as we were about 5 miles out from Elk, the rains came and they were pretty heavy.  The group sat in cars until the rain subsided a bit and by the time we put on rain gear and started waliking, the rain stopped.  We only had a mile walk to the meadow and set up camp.  It actually cleared quite nicely for about an hour after we set up.  We were outside talking and staring at some cows in the meadow when the rains came back.  I got in my tent and it rained heavily for 2-3 hours.  The rain falling on my tent kept me calm and soon I was sleeping fairly sound.

Saturday morning we got up, dried stuff off as much as possible then set out for the campsite for Saturday night.  I wanted to try out a new area I scoped out last November when I was with the Venture crew.  It was about 5 miles an we hiked it in less than 3 hours.  We got to the site and there were 2 guys packing up.  One of them pointed out a yellow jacket nest in the best flattest site in the camp.  We set up tents to dry but it was still very cool for August and not sunny at all.  BUT NO RAIN!!  Rather than sit around in camp all day, we loaded up some slack packs and headed off to make a 10 mile loop around the AT and back.  All day, the wind was whipping and it never got to 60 degrees.  It felt good but was cooler than I had hoped for.  We made our way down the Crest Trail to Scales and took a short break there.  We hooked up with the AT at Scales and hiked towards Wise Shelter.  There we ran into 2 guys who were hanging out with at least a gallon of whiskey.  I talked to one of them for a few minutes and learned he owned a bike shop in Charlotte.  They had a really cool dog who started hiking with us but went back somewhere on the AT.  We kept passing and getting passed by a group of Latter Day Saints from Mooresville.  About 3 o'clock we crested Massie Gap and the sun finally peaked out from the mist for a while.  Another hike up Rhododendron Gap and we were ready to pump water from the spring at Rhodo Gap.  We headed into camp about 5PM tired and hungry.  It was hard to really sit around camp as the wind never let up all evening.  Finally a Scout got a small fore started and we were glad to have the warmth.  Most of the group turned in around 10PM.

Sunday morning we rose early and headed out at 7:30AM for the 5 miles back to Elk Garden.  Like always, the sun shone brightly all day.  Who would have thunk it???   Back to the car for a 3 hour drive back to Mooresville.  A quick stop to get a REAL RC Cola at Sparta and we were back in Mooresville by 12:30PM.  Even though the weekend was cold and misty, it was a great weekend.  

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lance Armstrong and me

Well, yesterday was my 49th birthday.  I dont feel 49 but then again, What does 49 feel like?  I am older and I get tired easier.  I dont have the stamina riding I once did.  I dont get up and bound out of bed at 6AM as easy as I once did.  I cant run as far, ride as far or even drive as far.  But I still feel young.  So I guess the saying is true:  "You are only as old as you feel".

Some of my cycling and non-cycling friends have asked me recently if I believe Lance Armstrong doped.  This past week, a man I admire greatly, George Hincapie came out and said that Lance used EPO early in in his career and possibly as recently as his comeback 2 years ago.  Tyler Hamilton said it, Floyd Landis said it and so did Frankie Andreu.  All of these guys rode with Lance at some point in his career.  Frankie rode early on, Floyd and Tyler for a couple seasons.  But George was there for all seven TDF wins and every training session and almost all of his days in the saddle in events.  Big George is well-liked by everyone and is of the highest integrity.  Hearing that he had testified to the drug use by Lance basically leads me to believe that Lance was doping.  I followed Lance from his very early days as a teenager in Texas winning triathlons by miles over the pros.  I watched him win the world championships in the early 90's, watched and prayed for him when he was dying of cancer and cheered for him as he made his return to cycling.  Back in 98, I was training for the Assault on Mount Mitchell and had the opportunity to ride with Lance (well for about 500 feet in Blowing Rock).  He was training with 2 guys I didn't know but learned later it was Chris Carmichael and Bob Roll.  They rode past me on Highway 181 and spoke to me and asked me how far to the top.  I think I gasped out 3 miles and they blew right by me.  I knew it was Lance because I recognized the Cofidis Jersey and his awesome prowess on the bike.  I later read in his book that that week was his revelation and return to the competitive world.  In 2003, I had a better chance to meet George Hincapie.  I was in Greenville riding with a friend over Paris Mountain.  George was living there on the mountain with his family and was out riding a few intervals up Paris.  The guy I was riding with knew him a little and George slowed to chat with us. It was the highlight of my cycling day.  He was such an effortless climber, but also a great guy.  He was "just a guy out for a ride".  I tried to stick on his wheel as he started to take off.  I am proud to say he only beat me to the top by 20 seconds.  I was on the rivet as they say and I doubt George was pushing it too much.  I became a fan that day.  I put up a poster in my office that still stands.  I wanted him to win Paris-Roubaix so bad but the 2 years he was in his best form, he crashed out.  He also almost had the yellow jersey at the tour a few years back.  I wanted it for him more than I ever wanted it for Lance.  So, my respect for George is great.

So I guess as I sit here tonight thinking about the events of this last week in cycling, I am still numb over the realization that Lance Armstrong probably doped.  Lance is not a hero to me.  Very few people are a hero.  My Dad is a hero, Jesus is a hero and the people who protect us from harm are heroes in my book.  Professional athletes are not heroes and should never be called that.  They get paid to go out and perform.  But even though Lance was not a hero, he was someone I respected greatly.  He was(as someone called him) "A BADASS ON A BIKE".  I cant recall ANY athlete living or dead who I could watch for hours.  He was THE MAN.  So its sad that its come to this.

Now do I think he should be stripped of his 7 TDF titles?  ABSOLUTELY but only if he is proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt. I feel like Lance thought he was just leveling the playing field.  Almost every cyclist from that era has been tested positive.  The list is long:  Hamilton, Landis, Andreu, Rasmussen, Pantani, Zabel, Riis, Ullrich, Millar, Hueras.....even the great Eddy Merckx was found using banned substance in the 70's.  (click here for more)  Landis was stripped of his title so why is Lance any better.  The difference was, Lance was never tested as positive....ever.  So in reality, even if everyone says he was a doper, no one has any proof beyond a shadow of a doubt.  As far as I know, unless Lance comes out and admits it (which I doubt he ever will), it will remain unproven.  But the fact that George admitted he doped and saw Lance dope means a great deal to me.  I am not ready to crucify him, but I have lost a lot of hope...

In reality, I always suspected there was cheating going on with Lance.. I didn't want to believe it nor do I  want to now.  I looked up to him as an athlete.  So the thought he may have cheated will never be an easy thing for me to digest.

None of this takes away from all of the wonderful things he has done for Cancer victims all over the world.  His support and influence has helped so many people deal with this horrible disease.  How many yellow bracelets have you seen out there?  I wore one for 5 years myself.  I still have so much respect for him as a person.  He used much influence to help others.  You cant take that away from him.

So what will Lance's legacy be now that so many people have testified against him?  I guess that remains to be seen.  I still think he may be one of the greatest athletes of our time.  Clean or dirty, no one could hold a candle to him.  It will be a sad day if it ever is proven that he doped.  I know I will not feel the same about him.  I am sure many others will feel like he let them down too.  Only time will tell if Lance will live out his legacy as a great cyclist.  There is no doubt he will live a legacy as a humanitarian.    

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Where have I been?

Well thats a good question....  I have been here but not blogging.  I gave up on the blog per day thing.  It was just too dang hard to sit down and put something onto words that anyone would really are to read on a daily basis.  I didnt even read them so I guess no one else would either.  Since February I have been riding pretty consistently although I sold the Mount Mitchell ticket this year.  I tweaked my knee in early April and I just didnt have the time to train with travel and Eagle Scout stuff going on.  I still plan on doing Blood, Sweat and Gears in June but not much else on the ride planning schedule.  I did a backpack trip this past weekend to Panthertown up in Western NC.  First warm trip of the year for me.  We spent a night on the trail down near the junction and Saturday night in a campsite on the north side.  The weather nerds were calling for a 70% chance of showers and thunder all weekend but we got by with only a small sprinkle.  I did fall down a waterfall which could have been really bad.  Luckily I only got some bad rock rash on both knees and a shin.  Other than that it was a pretty good weekend.  The 2 pictures above are from the weekend.  The one with me partially hidden is minutes after the fall.  Note the blood all over the knees and shin.  Nice!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

In Florida and its COLD

I am in Orlando for a pool and spa show.  It was warm in Ft. Lauderdale yesterday but in Orlando today it was NOT.  Its not a whole lot warmer than home.  The low tomorrow morning will be 40.  Thats not Florida.  I did get a run in this AM of about 5 miles.  Going to try to get in the same tomorrow.

Total Road Cycling Miles 2011- 729 Miles
Total Running Miles 2011- 53 Miles

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

In Orlando-Nice and Warm but no bike

I flew into Orlando today but not before I took a quick 24 mile ride before leaving.  It was raw at home today.  It had never made it to 40 before I left.  When I landed in Orlando it was 72.  Its 11:30 PM and still 64.  I am really going to enjoy this week....

Total Road Cycling Miles 2011-729 Miles
Total Running Miles 2011-48 Miles

Getting Ready to head to warmer weather....No riding though :(

Later today, I fly out to Orlando for a few days.  I am looking forward to getting to a little warmer weather but wish I could take the bike.  I used to do that up until 3-4 years ago and decided I hated driving 8-10 hours to get to a destination.  Then work there 2-3 days and drive back 8 or 9 hours home.  Yeah...Not fun.  So its in the plane for 1.5 hours (plus getting there an hour early and going through the TSA checks etc).  Still, its better than driving all day.  I took Monday off completely which I needed.  Yesterday was cool but not bitter cold like it has been on and off.  I think it might have hit 50 but I am not sure. I put in 26 miles and really enjoyed the ride.  My legs seemed a little fresher but I am still going to back off for a few weeks and see if I can get my MOJO working again.  So off to Mousetown FL until Saturday.

Total Road Cycling Miles 2011- 705 miles
Total Running Miles 2011- 48 Miles (Will go up over the next 3-4 days.)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday Report

Well, I just finished watching the 45th Superbowl featuring the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Green Bay Packers.  It was a fairly good game and the Packers won.  I got in 2 rides this weekend but I feel like a much needed rest day will be had tomorrow. Friday I got in a 4 mile run when I got home from Memphis.  Then Saturday it was raining in the AM so I waited until late in the day. It was actually getting dark when I got home.  I only got in 22 miles for Saturday.  Sunday I got in a long ride of 45 miles.  the average was slower than I felt like I was going.  Hence the reason for a rest day.  This coming week I will be in Orlando from Wed-Saturday.  I am thinking I wont be doing much riding this week at all.  Probably be a good week to rest some.  Mitchell is not far off.

Total Road Cycling Miles for 2011- 679 Miles
Total Running Miles 2011- 48 Miles  

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hello Elvis!!! Welcome to Memphis...

I am in Memphis today.  I was here yesterday too but I didn't post because I took the day off.  Its REALLY cold here.  The high today was 26 here.  That is very cold for here.  Its also windy as there is a storm coming in and they are calling for snow tomorrow.  Not much but they are already shutting down schools and it hasn't even started yet.  I fly out fairly early so I will most likely be gone long before the snow gets here.  At least I hope.  I had planned to take yesterday off and only run on the treadmill.  I only brought running shorts and gear meant for 40ish weather.  But I just didn't want to run inside.  I cant do it.  So I ran 5 outside around the baptist Hospital campus.  It was a very nice area to run in but MAN was it cold.  Tomorrow I am back home.  Yay.

Total Road Cycling Miles 2011- 613 miles
Total Running Miles 2011- 44 Miles ( I am expecting this number to go up alot in the next 2 weeks)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Misty and cool but rideable

Tuesday was a cool and misty day.  It was a day I thought I was going to be running instead of riding.  But the rain held off so I made the plunge and headed out for a ride.  I have been kind of slow and having hard time pushing it recently.  I was traveling today and tomorrow so I figured I would get at least 1 day off.  I think I need it.....

Total Road Cycling Miles 2011- 613 Miles
Total Running Miles 2011-39 miles

Monday, January 31, 2011

Really warm to ....well, not so warm

Sunday was a very nice day.  It actually hit 70!!  It was almost surreal it was so nice.  I did about 40 miles and it was nice to not have to wear all the getup I usually wear in the winter.  Just bib-shorts, jersey and arm-warmers.  But this morning we woke to gray skies and much colder temps.  So I didn't get my 600 miles in for the month. I did end up doing a 5 mile run so I kept busy.  Planning on riding tomorrow.  Its OK though because I am sure I will make up for my lack of riding today over the next few months..  Tomorrow at 7AM I can register for Mount Mitchell.  If that goes well, I know I will be training my butt off in March and April.  We will see...

Total Road Cycling Miles 2011- 589 Miles (January total too)
Total Running Miles 2011- 39 Miles

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Oh Yeah!! A pretty good day

I rode yesterday but I didn't enter the post because I was just too lazy.  Sorry but I was just tired and lazy.  I went out for a quick 22 miles yesterday and then went to buy a chain for he new bike.  The weather forecast was for nice weather today so I wanted to ride the new bike.  When I got up this morning, it was really anything BUT warm.  I checked the weather at 7:45 and it was 27.  I was on the bike about 8:10 and started off towards the Point to ride with the group.  I turned down into the Harbour and only saw 2 riders.  I hooked up with Don and Dave and off we went.  It actually has been quite a while since I put in a real hard effort.  But with 3 guys I thought I would take a couple long pulls.  I have the legs for long slow rides but the short hard bursts aren't there right now.  After we finished the 25, we went back to the Clubhouse to see if anyone was out on the 10 AM ride.  Only 2 people showed up and we lost Dave.  So the 4 of us went North and rode the Isle of Pines and Stutts loop.  I ended up with 42 miles which gives me over 500 for the month.  2 more days left and I may end up with over 600 easily.  Anyhow, it was a fund day and when I got back to the house, it was already 52 degrees.....

Total Road Cycling Miles For 2011-549 Miles
Total Running Miles for 2011-34 miles and holding

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cool but warm....?? HUH

Thats what a friend said when we were talking about the weather today.  Cool...But ...Warm.  Funny thing was, I kind of knew what he meant.  What does that say about me?  I think it says I am as mentally deranged as he is.  But it was warmer today than it has been recently.  Also no wind and very sunny.  Yesterday I took the day off while traveling.  Today I got back just in time to take a quick 24 mile spin around the hood and enjoy the day.  It feels good to not have a ton of wind blowing.  My average was pretty low but right now I am just making the bike go and not worrying too much about speed.  Speed work will come later.....

Total Road Miles 2011-485 Miles
Total Running Miles 2011- 34 Miles

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cold, wet, rainy...Think I will go for a run

So today was supposed to be cloudy and cool....And it was until about noon when it started raining.  My plans were to ride one more day before taking a day off.  I am out of town Wed/Thursday so running makes more sense. I was able to get in a nice 4  mile run in.  It was cool and drizzling.  Not bad for running but for some reason my feet bout froze.  Its 5 hours later and I am still cold in the feet.   I really have to work at running now.  Its just not as much fun as it used to be.....Maybe I need to pick a big running event to do...Like a Marathon or....Wait, what am I saying?  Never mind...

Total Road Cycling Miles 2011- 461 Miles
Total Running Miles 2011-34 Miles

Monday, January 24, 2011


Still cold today.  I think it may have gotten to 38 but not too sure.  I rode 23 miles but I really didn't feel like I had any power.  I had a good heart rate for the whole ride, my legs didn't feel overly fatigued but I just didn't have it.  Probably the worst ride all year.  maybe in more than a year.  But I think it was just low blood sugar and fatigue from the weekend miles.  Anyway, I ended up getting the ride in and thats what counts.  Probably wont be riding much this week as there is a storm front coming in.

Total Road Cycling Miles 20100- 461 Miles
Total Running Miles 2011- 30 and holding...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Cool Sunday Ride

Today was supposed to be warmer than yesterday....It was.  It was supposed to be warm...It wasn't.  OK so maybe it was a little warmer but it wasn't by any stretch warm.  It may have gotten to 45 but with the wind it really didn't feel like it.  I came home from a great church service, had a little bite and headed off on the New Bike for the first time since the polar bear 2 weeks ago.  It felt good riding that bike but I dont like to ride it when there is any junk on the road.  I ended up coming back and getting the old bike all cleaned up and ready for the next round of winter weather we are supposed to have Tuesday.  Ended up with 40 miles so all in all, a good day.

Total Road Cycling Miles 2011- 438 miles
Total Running Miles 2011- Hanging at 30 Miles

Saturday, January 22, 2011

COLD Again....

Unbelievable but its like Minnesota here.... OK, maybe thats a little stretch as I heard International Falls was -41 this morning.  But its still really cold.  Never got out of the mid-30's today.  My ride was still pretty nice even though it was cool.  I got a later start than I wanted to but that actually was good because I got to ride in sunshine.  That made it "Seem" warmer.  Maybe tomorrow I can get in about 40 but today was just a mere 32 miles.  Funny thing happened about an hour and a half after I returned.  I was sitting in my office which is right above the garage where I store th bikes.  It was kind of quiet and I heard what sounded like a tire busting.  A hiss of air and a loud crack.  I went down about 10 minutes later and my back tire was flat.  Dont know what that is all about.  Guess I better check for a wheel problem.  Or little gremlins.....  I cant ever remember hearing that before.  But I have gone down to get ready to ride and found a flat....Total Board says>>>>>

Total Road Miles 2011-398 Miles
Total Running miles 2011- 30 Miles

Friday, January 21, 2011

Ended the week on a run....

I took yesterday off from all activities.  I wasnt feeling well.  Not really sick or anything, just kind of not all good.  But I was feeling a little better today.  Hannah had her wisdom teeth out this morning so I could not get a ride in.  It has turned cold again and will get even colder for the next couple of days.  When Laura got home around 5, I decided to go for a run.  So in went the i-Pod and off went Kevin.  I ran about 5 miles and it was enjoyable.  The weather was almost perfect for a run.  Around 40 degrees and light wind.  So the total stands at.........

Total Road Cycling Miles 2011- 366 Miles
Total Running Miles 2011-30 Miles

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Nice Sunny Day-Good Day for a ride

Todays high was about 54 degrees. I had to drive to Columbia so I was a little bit worried I may not be able to get a ride in.  Ah but good fortune was my friend and I did.  I actually put in 31 miles.  I didn't feel too good although I really dont know why.  Just not feeling strong at all.  I struggled through and I think maybe I just need some rest.

Total Road Cycling Miles 2011- 366 Miles
Total Running Miles 2011-25 Miles

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Where did the warmth go?

Monday I forgot to post.  Very busy day with Kyle's Eagle Fundraiser dinner etc.  I could not decide what to do so I decided to go out and get in a quick ride because of a chance of rain Tuesday (today).  As it turned out the rain is pretty much over do I am not sure if riding was a great idea.  I felt like someone had my legs in a vice.  No power and just a tired feeling.  I rode too many days in a row and too many miles. I got in 24 but it felt much longer with the cold.  The high was about 43 and not sunny so it felt colder. Not sure what I am going to do today.  I may go for a short, slow run.  Lets go to the total board......

EDIT:  I did run 5 miles today.  So now I can add to that total

Total Road Cycling Miles 2011- 335 miles
Total running mile 2011- 25 miles

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Warmer Yet!!!

Ah yes, 53 degrees today!!  What a great afternoon to ride a bike.  I could have ridden all day.  But sometimes you have things you must do so riding is only short lived pleasure.  Oh if it wasn't for those other things in life I could just fixate on bike riding 7 days per week, 365 days per year.  Work gets in the way mostly although I usually let that go before other things.  Family obligations take time too but those are the things that we do because we want to.  Well, maybe not all of them ...But most.  The ride today was not solo as it has been much recently.  I met Scott H and Brian down on the Point side of BSR and we went back up north on BSR.  Scott hadn't ridden up that way much so he enjoyed something different.  Although he did say the hills were more prevalent.  Thats why I like that area so much.  Anyway I got in a nice 35 miles.  I wanted to go 40-45 but time restraints abound.  SOOO...

Total Road Cycling Miles 2011-311 Miles
Total Running Miles- 20 Miles

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Still aint warm...But its getting better.

Today was much warmer than its been in 2011.  It didn't quite make it to 50 here but it was close.  I started the day out by working on an Eagle Scout Project for Ed. While working there, I had an accident with a drill that cut 2 of my fingers/thumb on my left hand.  Nothing but superficial cuts but they still were painful.  Anyhow, When I got back home around 2, I had a few things I needed to do.  So it was close to 3PM when I took off on the old bike.  I was able to get in a really nice tempo ride of 35 miles.  I was kind of leaning towards 40 miles but I was running out of daylight.  So here we go.

Total Road Cycle miles 2011- 276 miles
Total Running Miles 2011- holding at 20 miles.  That number will probably go up this week.

Back to riding-Ice still abounds

I rode today (really yesterday)....Yes its fun to say that.  It was still plenty cold as it didn't even make it to 40 but the roads I were on were clear.  Some of the back roads still have ice on patches which to me is ridiculous after 6 days.  But it is what it is.  Nice sunny skies, little wind and a complete wanting to get back on the bike pushed me out the door. I did a little bit of a modified South/North thing and rode to the end of Brawley, back up north on the new part of BSR, tuned down Canvasback and then took Blume down and around.  Ended up with 26 miles which was about all I had time for.  Would have liked to gone more.

Total Road Cycling Miles 2011-241 miles
Total Miles running 2011-20 miles

Thursday, January 13, 2011

OK, 3 days in a row out running...I gotta ride tomorrow

This will be very short and sweet.  I ran 5 miles today in a nice 40 degree afternoon.  It was a nice easy run and the roads are clearing up.  I can actually see the potential for a bike ride tomorrow.  I guess I will have to see what happens. 5th day in a row the kids are out of school.  I guess there will be no happiness in mudville when they are in school until July.... :(

Road Miles- Still holding at 215 (I hope that changes tomorrow)
Running Miles- 20 miles.  

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2 Days of Running in a row??? What is wrong with me?

Today the roads are still icy and I am still stuck at home.  I am going to have to travel 3-4 weeks in a row to get back on track. Not a lot to say.  I just ran about 5 miles in some really nice evening weather.  Clear, Cold and just right for running.

Total Road Cycling Miles-Still holding at 215 miles
Total Running miles-15 miles

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A 5 mile run....err "slide" in the snow

So the snow didnt go anywhere today.  It hovered around 32 all day with not even as much as a peak from Mr. Sun.  I tried to take another day off as I figure I need it, but my body said NO.  It wanted to get out and exercise.  So my brain (which always gives in) said "sure, why not"?  So I slipped on the entire ensemble of running paraphanelia including cap and gloves and headed out the door and up the hill.  I should have huessed immediately that this was not going to be easy as I slipped and almost fell 3 times just waling up my driveway.  Any of you that have been on my driveway know its not for the weak at heart.  But it should have been my signal to either go back in and rest or get on the trainer.  Either way, I didnt take the hint.  So I slid around for about 50 minutes almost falling numerous times. Probably did around 5 miles.  I figured I may end up being like one of those old folks who falls and breaks his hip and everybosy says "Bless his Heart, he shouldnt have been out there anyway".  The roads were looking better about 2 hours after I ran so tomorrow might be a day I can run without skating.  The question is will I ride the bike before Sunday???

Total Road Cycling Miles 2011-Holding at 215 Miles
Total Running Miles 2011- 10

Monday, January 10, 2011

After 10 days-A Day Actually OFF

Today it snowed....A Lot...In fact at 5PM its still snowing and looks as though it will be most of the evening.  Maybe even some ice on top of it tomorrow.  Thats what I hate about our weather here.  The ICE seems to really kill things here.  Snow is easy to get around in, ICE is impossible.  So today I decided to take a whole day off.  No running, no cycling. no hikes.  I may do some lifting tonight while I watch the national championship game.  But other wise, I have been just lazy today.  I wont be able to take many more days of sitting so probably be out doing something tomorrow.  Here is a pic of what it looks like today.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Storm coming so I ride yet another day...

So today, I had planned to take a day off from riding and relax.  My intentions were to go to church, eat breakfast with my parents and family, take the kids to Testify, then come back and watch the Eagles/Packer game in my sweatpants.  It didn't work out that way.  I went to church by myself at 10, met the family for lunch and took the kids.  But apparently there is a really huge/horrible/terrible/no good/very bad storm on the way with feet of snow and bone chilling temps.  I never believe anything the weather guessers say but just in case, I decided to get a ride in.  Maybe the roads will be impassable the next 5 or 6 days (or maybe not).  If they are, I wont be riding.  Although if yesterday told me anything, it was that road bikes actually DO go in the snow.  Maybe not well but they go. So I bundled up since the high was 36, got out old trusty and spun around 23 miles.  It felt pretty good.  Not too cold and the wind was light.  Maybe I wont be posting about riding much over the next few days......or maybe I will.

Todays mileage- 23 miles
Total road miles 2011- 215 miles

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Start Finish Line-Drafters on the front

OK, this was an amazing day.  First, yesterday evening we had rain that could or maybe should have been snow.  It was supposed to be around 20 degrees this morning going to around 45 by afternoon.  Boy was that wrong!  When I got up at 6:30 AM it was 32 degrees and the sun was starting to peek out.  I ate breakfast and left the house with both bikes in the Element around 7:15.  I couldn't decide if I wanted to ride the new bike or the old one.  By 9:45, it was actually in the high 30's, sunny and warming.  A little wind from the west but nothing I couldn't handle.  Mike and I were about 15 minutes leaving after the rush.  We caught up with a guy on a mountain bike about 1/2 mile after leaving the start.  I have no idea what he was up to but it wasn't riding fast. We told him we would wait on him at the first rest stop (well Mike did, I had to go the 62 mile SAG.  Mike was only on the 30 miler).  So we get to the first rest stop.  Earl calls someone in Mooresville and they tell him its snowing in Mooresville.  We all laughed and said "no way, the suns out".  About 2 miles up the road, the clouds rolled in, the temperature dropped and the wind picked up to 30+ MPH.  It was snowing so hard I could not see 30 feet up the road.  It actually started sticking on the road.  I helped 2 folks find the shortcut to Corriher Grange.  Since that got me off track, I decided to ride backwards until I caught the last group and the last SAG.  I rode into the wind up hills and into the cold.  I guess I must have missed the last 3 folks because I kept going.  Suddenly I felt like it had been 5 miles since I saw anyone.  So I turned around and hauled butt to the end group.  Earl and Mike caught me about 2 miles from the center and I jumped in the truck.  WE sagged up to the last group and I rode them in.  I tried to pull the last 2 guys in but they would not stay on my wheel.  It was a long last 12 miles.  But we finally got in.  Just in time too as the temp really started to plummet.  Its already fallen to 28 degrees. They are calling for snow Monday and Tuesday.  So today might be the last ride for a while.  Its time to crash now....G'nite

Todays Mileage- 55 miles
Yearly Road Bike Mileage- 192 miles  

Friday, January 7, 2011

I rode even though I should not have-Dummy Alert

I was going to take the day off but I didn't.  I have to ride 62+ miles tomorrow in the cold and wind but I wanted to get in a ride because it was pretty warm for January. So I went out for 20 miles.  Nothing fast or hard, just a slow cruise around the hood.  Its late and I need to get to bed.  So tomorrow I will write about the Polar Bear.

Total Miles today- 20 miles
Total Road Miles for Year- 139 miles.  NOT A BAD WEEK!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 6th-On the Road Again

Today was back to the road again.  It actually turned out to be a rather nice day even though it wasn't anything close to warm.  I think it hit maybe 45 here but the sun was out bright so it seemed warmer.  I was hard at work calling reps and customers and let the time slip up.  I really wanted to get out and back before 2:30.  But I didn't leave the house until 1ish.  I rode 28 miles which felt really good.  I could have gone a lot further with a little bit of effort.  But work is still needing to be done.  I probably wont ride again until Saturday at the Polar Bear. This should be a great ride this year.  The weather forecast is for a cold morning warming up to around 45 by afternoon.  Thats what a Polar Bear ride is supposed to be.

Total Mileage today-28 miles
Total Cycling Road miles 2011- 117 miles

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

First Day of 2011 with no cycling :(

Well, today was a cloudy/cold day which in itself would not have kept me off the bike.  But around noon when I would have left the house, the rain was beginning to just start to sprinkle.  So, I regrouped and went out for the first run in 2011.  I really dont look forward to running as much as I once did.  I cant seem to get into it like I did when I had better/younger knees.  But, I soldiered through for about 40+ minutes with a 5 mile run.  It only sprinkled about 5 minutes which didn't even wet the ground.  I guess I could have ridden the bike after all. Maybe tomorrow....

Total Road Cycle Miles 2011-89 miles
Total running miles 2011- 5 miles

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Nicest Day since Early December-Jan 4, 2011

Today was the warmest sunny day we have had since probably around Dec. 12.  Not that it was really warm (I think it hit 52).  But it felt pretty good since the sun was bright and shining.  I had to work with Tom to get my boat off his trailer so he can take his boat out.  But it was still time for me to get in 23 easy miles.  I am still on a winter program of short rides or long rides but low effort.  If its this warm tomorrow, I might have to get out for 35-40.  I have so much work to do but its too much fun riding the bike.....

Todays Total- 23 Miles
Yearly road total- 89 miles

Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3, 2011

Day 3 of the blog for a year goes onward. Wonder when I will stop saying how many days has gone by? As soon as I cant add them on my fingers and toes probably. I had a very busy day getting back into the swing of things after the holidays. But was still able to get in a 24 mile ride. It would have been tough to miss today as it was beautiful. Sunny and 46 degrees. Not warm by any stretch but it was warmer than it has been. Just a little wind so it wasn't too chilly moving down the road. Tomorrow is supposed to be 54 degrees. I am looking forward to a ride...

Total Miles today- 24 miles
Total road miles for year- 66 miles

Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 2-Wet and short

Well, day 2 of my yearly blog of mileage. Today was a rainy day up until around 2 PM. Kyle and I got up early to go to Williamson's Church so he could ask for donations from the men's group for his Eagle Scout project. We got up So early to be there. Then went to Williamson's West church for the first time. About 3 PM I decided to go for a quick/short ride before we headed to moms to help her put up her Christmas boxes for the year. So I only got in a quick 17 miles on wet roads. I also had some really bad stomach cramps so the ride was pretty low key. Its supposed to be nice all week so hopefully I can get in a few miles.

Today-17 miles cycling
Total for Year- 42 miles

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A new Years Resolution-Ride and Blog about it

I really didn't do a good job last year with updating the blog. I guess I just got lazy. However, I was able to keep track of my cycling miles using a spreadsheet a friend of mine devised and sent me in late 2009. My total mileage for 2010 was 7,203. Thats purely road miles only. No running, mountain biking, hiking or walking. Thats about the most I have ridden since 2002 or 2003. One year in the early 2000's I did about 7,500 miles. I had a pretty good year on the bike with Mitchell, BSG and a 200 mile weekend during September with MS ride. I also did a few weekend trips on the backpack front and even ran a bit. I am planning on Mitchell again ( I know, I am stupid), BSG for sure and maybe a few other long rides. It kind of depends on work etc. SO, this year I am not only going to log my miles but I am going to bore anyone who spends time reading this blog by blogging about it every day. I will not go into great detail but I am going to at least get a mention in on what I do each day. So lets get started.

January 1, 2011 (Also known as 1/1/11 kind of creepy)- I rode 25 miles completely by myself. It has been really cold since about 2 weeks before Christmas. We had a snowfall last weekend (Christmas Day in fact) of 5 inches approx. I was able to get out Tuesday-Friday and decided that I wanted to start the year off on a ride. It was cool, cloudy and misty this morning. The temps were quite a bit warmer but with the mist it didn't seem like it. I rode the old bike so I didn't get my new one dirty. I spent about 2 hours Thursday night cleaning the new one and rel-lubing etc, so I didn't want to spend another 2 hours on New Years Day. So after the 25 miles I came home and sit on my rear end for 4 hours surfing the internet and reading. Wished I would have taken a nap. So day 1 is down. Lets see how long I can keep this up.

Total Mileage-25 miles.